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Christmas Countdown Local 2022 #6/25 - Wallsend

In the historical Wallsend Rotunda Park (1888)  , a towering metal structure in the shape of a tree  with a star dominates the landscape in the lead up to Christmas. In contrast, the rotunda,adjacent to the tree.  is decorated traditionally - green wreaths with shiny baubles and red and  gold ribbons. The contrasts are obvious during the day, but at night, when the lights go on, it does bathe the little community park in the magic of Christmas.... 

This decoration is the initiative of the Wallsend Business Improvement Association  and sponsored by the local council, the City of Newcastle. I watched last week, when many Council workers erected the tree and decorations well into the night - not an easy task, I suspect. I was interested today to see how the weights  at the bottom of the metal sculpture had been disguised - a giant  tinsel wrapped gift! 

The rotunda is such an icon in Wallsend  and  the perfect spot where  this Newcastle suburb  can focus its Chisitmas actvities  as reported in The Newcastle Weekly

“We invite everyone to get involved,” WOW Wallsend Business Improvement Association chairman Wayne Rogers said.  Come down with the family, take in the fabulous lights, grab a photo with Santa and post them on socials to spread the word ... It’s really wonderful to see Wallsend village come to life at this time of year.

Among other special highlights throughout the month, locals can also enjoy Christmas-themed performances by the Hunter’s favourite children's’ group, Little Scallywagz on Saturdays 3, 10 and 17 December at 11am and 12.30pm; the Conscious Christmas Markets at the Rotunda on Saturday 10 December from 10am to 1pm; and joyous Christmas carols performed by the very popular and versatile quartet After Five, who will appear at the Rotunda on 21, 22 and 23 December from 6pm to 7pm.

“There’s no better time to visit Wallsend to shop local and show support of the businesses,” Mr Rogers said.


Well worth a visit to Wallsend ... also known as the centre for op shopping ( charity shops), with advertised walking tours for the serious shoppers! 



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