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Winter Beach : Tag Tuesday

"Beach" tags for Tag Tuesday 
Last weekend, I was very privileged to do a workshop with Belgium based artist, Jette Clover.  One of Jette's series of small works features postage stamps of famous people, so after the workshop I rediscovered my stash of stamps ( most of them still attached to envelopes). Fortunately for me, this fortnight's Tag Tuesday theme is " The Beach" which seems to be recurring theme for Australian stamps.  These collage tags have been assembled from torn bits of painted paper, magazine pages and stamps. I have called these tags "Winter Beach" as  the beach still looks as bright and the water as blue even  in winter here in Newcastle. Today's  winter maximum temperature was 16 degrees C with a clear blue sky and warm sunshine.
...with Jette Clover in fromt of her art work " Lives of Girls and Women" in  the STITCHED UP exhibition. 


  1. Both tags are terrific Wilma. Looks like you had a good time

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Glad you were able to enjoy the workshop. Love your torn paper tags, and thanks for supporting us again at TT. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Great tags - I love the torn paper and the use of the postage stamps!!!

  4. I love the winter beach tags. There's something fantastic about the beach in that season-sometimes its even better than in the summer. :) Erika

  5. I was delighted to see that you came up with a winter theme for your tags. They are fabulous. I am a BIG fan of postage stamps, so those spoke to me, too. Beautiful work.

    I was very impressed with Jette Clover's fabulous art pieces. They were quite impressive and dynamic.

  6. Two great tags, love the torn paper seascape.

  7. lovely winter beach tags! how fun to meet the artist and get to do a workshop, lucky you! xo


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