Christmas Countdown ...8...Wreaths have been used as Christmas decorations for
hundreds of years, mostly on doors, in windows and over mantles. They are a
symbol of growth and everlasting life. Wreaths were usually made of evergreen
branches and decorated with holly, pine
cones, fruit or berries, and nowadays are
more than often artificial, with all kinds of decorations. From a
Christian perspective, a wreath represents eternal life.
Days 5 & 7 - the Gold Rush Era Stamp Series It seems so long ago now since we were celebrating Christmas and New Year.... hope you enjoyed a great festive season. I took some time out, not doing much at all but I did set myself a little challenge of doing some tidying up which meant spending a little time each day using scraps of fabric and paper to create something a little playful or as the mood took, useful! Unlike the long projects I usually undertake, this was a 12 day project ( 12 days of Christmas ) - completely random, but finishing half done projects or recycling. For example the first photo shows some collages I did on days 5 and 7 to use a postage stamp release, the Gold Rush Era series, first issued in Australia 1981 ... yes I probably have had it in my stash since then! Completing some other little projects was very satisfying .... On Day 1, I assembled a folded paper folk cube from a kit my daughter gifted to me las...
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