STITCHED UP is now in its third week of exhibition and breaking all records of visitors - such an overwhelming response - so it is inevitable that a few people have had their photos taken with Wednesday's children, the stick doll installation.... First of all, Ben, a member of the amazing installation team at The Lock-Up. Thanks for taking such care installing 'the girls' - the digital laser level worked wonders and did I hear you talking to a few them?
Ben from the installation team The Lock-Up |
Wednesday's children up on the wall. |
Then, of course , my own family - not all positive critiques, but you can't win them all!
Many of my friends have been really supportive.... they have even visited a few times. Here are some of my Rotary friends on the opening night.
Members of the Rotary Club of Wallsend-Maryland - Clarice, Cia, Sandy, Wilma, Christine |
Unexpected visitors even dropped by last weekend - the Treasure Hunter team from ABC 1233 Radio. On Saturday mornings, teams in the studio and on the road, solve cryptic clues to find special red envelopes hidden at various locations in and around Newcastle... Guess where one of the red envelopes was?
Anne Kempton, Co-Curator, Stitched Up, ABC Treasure Hunters, Jessi England, Director, The Lock Up
Wednesday's children provide a good backdrop for photos and many visitors have taken the opportunity to have their photos taken in front of them. The installation may be broken up after this exhibition, so don't miss out on your photo opportunity.... the exhibition is open until 6 August. 2017.
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