For once, I have actually made tags for Tag Tuesday on Tuesday... Wendy has challenged us with this fortnight's theme "Locks and Keys". For my first tag, I chose a pre-cut "person" shape and simply pasted a page from a magazine which coincidentally was an advertisement for an event, called "Finders, Keepers" , I added some eyes behind some spectacles also cut from the same magazine, and a little lock embellishment to the ties. I originally was going to collage the shape with images of locks and keys but couldn't find enough but I thought the words were apt for this theme. My second tag for this theme is also a cut out from the same magazine.... the background "mansion" and the key ring. While the metal ring looks metal in this photo it is paper, and the key is a plastic one, made to look a little antique. While both these tags are super simple and were very quick to make, I enjoyed the almost accidental creation of these t
Stories about creative experiences, people and places - art tutorials, observations and learning.