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Showing posts from September, 2024

Connecting and Interpreting : Story #6 from the ATASDA Collaborative Golden Cape - Regrowth

  Connecting and Interpreting : Story #6 from the ATASDA Collaborative Golden Cape  Background : The Golden Cape is a collaborative project for ATASDA members and it celebrates the 50th Anniversary of ATASDA in 2024. 50 present day members have  received  an image of one of 50 yesteryear members artworks, to use as a muse, to create new artwork based on the past. Inspiration can come from textures, colours, style, design, subject, culture or history of the original artwork.  The new artworks have become panels stitched together to create a Golden Cape - an anniversary art wearable .  The Golden Cape will be displayed at various venues around Australia from May 2024.  Angela Liddy drew inspiration from Maz Beetson's 2007 work "Fire Regrowth"  for her contribution to the Golden Cape.  Angela used  a traditional Korean technique "joomchi ' in her work.  Joomchi is a 500-year-old paper-making technique that  uses water to seal several layers of thin, handmade mulberr

Connecting and Interpreting : Story #5 from the ATASDA Collaborative Golden Cape - Broken Circle

  Connecting and Interpreting : Story #5 from the ATASDA Collaborative Golden Cape  Background : The Golden Cape is a collaborative project for ATASDA members and it celebrates the 50th Anniversary of ATASDA in 2024. 50 present day members have  received  an image of one of 50 yesteryear members artworks, to use as a muse, to create new artwork based on the past. Inspiration can come from textures, colours, style, design, subject, culture or history of the original artwork.  The new artworks have become panels stitched together to create a Golden Cape - an anniversary art wearable .  The Golden Cape will be displayed at various venues around Australia from May 2024.  ATASDA  member Susan Pepper chose an original work from the 2014 exhibition as her inspiration for her Golden cape contribution.  Elizabeth Robert's Ferris Wheel featured a play of circular light and movement within a subdued colour palette.  Susan Pepper's new work referred to these original elements to create &qu