Another week of sharing love for textiles with the Seam Colelctiv'es social media cahllenge #SeptTextileLove.... Day 4: PLAY Most days , I play with materials , but I do love art and craft play dates with my grandchildren. All four of them and I have enjoyed creative play - these pics are ten years apart(2022-2012), so they suggest I am still playing and fabric dyeing has obviously been a ‘messy’ favourite . The tie dyeing kits are great for easy play - the squirt bottles can be managed by all ages. and the results are instant! Day 5 : PATTERN Over the last couple of years I have been experimenting with a technique which uses the decorative pattern stitches on a sewing machine. Using overlapping and layering different colours and patterns on scraps of fabric, with varying distances between the rows of stitching, a completely different patterned fabric is created. So, in a sense I use various tiny patterns to create a whole pattern . I am using this technique more and more
Stories about creative experiences, people and places - art tutorials, observations and learning.