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 Who's feeling lucky this week? Perhaps it's time for a game of bingo. Bingo is the current theme for Tag Tuesday, nominated by design team member, Michele. I made a couple of tags. One explores the theme of  taking chances and luck - with a background of an instant lottery ticket, an image of a vintage bingo card and a miniature playing card  with a few scattered stickers and a "sticky" tape transferred quote. The others is simple a pen and watercolour drawing of a bingo player all ready to win! 

I also found out some interesting information about Bingo, as I was curious about  the word itself 

  • Bingo is the American version of a game that originated as an Italian Lottery called “Lo Giuoco del Lotto D’Italia” that was all the rage dating back as far as the mid-1500s. When the game reached North America in 1929 it was known as “beano” but later renamed bingo after a caller yelled out "BINGO" instead of beano
  • 90-ball bingo (also known as “housie”) is most common in the United Kingdom, and Australia, as well as many other countries. In this game, players have tickets that feature three rows of nine spaces each, though not every space will have a number. Players will have to completely fill one or more rows in order to win
  • In the United States, 75-ball bingo is the most popular format used. This game features cards which contain five columns of numbers with five rows each, with a straight line being the most common winning pattern.
  • It is estimated that  online bingo games attract millions of players. 
Remember to visit the Tag Tuesday blog to see the wonderful interpretations of this interesting theme. 


  1. Two fabulous tags and great information.

  2. Love your beautiful tags especially the second one. Thanks for the information, too. Hugs, Valerie

  3. i'm very impressed by your research! i love both tags -- the first one is very bold and impressive with all the red. the second is just plain fun with that rather astonished lady -- she must be surprised that she won! xo


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