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Showing posts from November, 2023

Connecting and Interpreting : Story #2 from the ATASDA Collaborative Golden Cape

  Connecting and Interpreting : Story #2 from the ATASDA Collaborative Golden Cape The  Golden Cape  is a new collaborative project for ATASDA members. 50 present day members will each receive an image of one of 50 yesteryear members artworks, to use as a muse, to create new artwork based on the past. Inspiration can come from textures, colours, style, design, subject, culture or history of the original artwork.  (from  The second story in this series highlighting the narratives behind the creative stitching on the contributions to the ATASDA  Collaborative Golden  Cape is a topical and poignant social commentary.  As I contemplate what happens after the disappointing defeat of "The Voice " referendum, I think of the word   ‘Makarrata’, a multi-layered YolÅ‹u word understood as the coming together after a struggle. It involves truth telling. A beautiful response by Karen Rivers, ATASDA member to the equally  thought provoking 2014 t