Taste of Textiles opening Taste of Textiles exhibition What's New Food meets fibre in Taste of Textiles exhibition Calling all lovers of food and fibre art! A new exhibition and book, being launched at Newcastle's Timeless Textiles Gallery in December, celebrates a passion for exotic, seasonal food with the rich textures of fibre arts. The Taste of Textiles exhibition brings together work from 20 fibre artists from around the world to display their passion for textile art, cooking and growing food. It will appeal to everyone with a love of food and a flair for the creative. The contributing artists have represented a variety of vivid produce in their works, including the humble potato, mushy mulberries, beetroot, saffron and rose petals. Each has created a visual narrative based on, and inspired by, their love for that particular produce. Inspired by the artists' passion, much-loved local cook Bev Whitehead has created and t